Age Deal-breaker

8 Jul

I know I’ve mentioned before that if someone is old enough to be my parent, I am going to either ignore them, or respectfully decline their advances.   Part of me wishes that OKCupid would stop users outside of the age range one is looking for from messaging you..  but, if someone a year out of those guidelines messaged me – it’s not a deal-breaker..  so I’m torn.

“I like to know you better if you are serious & ready to settle down”

“While I feel ready to be serious and settle down,  I don’t feel it’s appropriate to engage in any chatter with you, as you are old enough to be my father.  Sorry, I’m not interested..  but good luck to you!”

“so what is age? It is a number, I can still get my dick hard & that is what you like, right? do you like to get fucked in the ass?”

Excuse me while I go vomit..

Seriously!?  Do men EVER grow up?

4 Responses to “Age Deal-breaker”

  1. MsChick74 (@MsChick74) July 8, 2012 at 12:54 am #

    Regardless of age, that sentence was full of crappy grammar, which is a deal breaker for me.


  2. nicofdarcyshire July 8, 2012 at 2:04 am #

    Oh gosh! I’m looking for a male role model/father figure and I want it to be that man!…


  3. M July 8, 2012 at 11:36 pm #

    His second email is like a subtitle from a clumsily translated European film.


  4. jen July 24, 2012 at 9:55 pm #

    Hahahaha! Hilarious!


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